![Giannis Manolis – Stereosis](https://2018.photobiennale-greece.gr/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Giannis-Manolis-Stereosis.jpg)
The Thessaloniki Museum of Photography organises a programme of guided tours for adults to the exhibitions of the Thessaloniki PhotoBiennale 2018. The tours are free of charge. Νo reservation is required, however, to ensure the smooth running of the programme, the visiting schedule will be strictly adhered to. For further information please contact Ms Elli Tsinoglou, tel.: 2310 566716.
Day: Wednesday 10 October 2018
Venues, exhibitions,hours:
- Stereosis, Faded needlecraft (Giannis Manolis), 18:00
- Kalos & Klio showroom, Wet City (Yusuf Murat Sen), 19:30
- Tabya, Our life in the shadows (Tania Franco Klein), 20:30
Exhibition tour by the art historian – curator of ThMP, Theodore Markoglou.